A downloadable game

Read my mind
The goal of this game is to get to the center of the board by reading the minds of the other players.

Here's how it works:

The youngest player starts.

You pick a card from one of these categories:

  • True or false?
  • Less or more?
  • Like or dislike?
  • Challenge

Each card has a statement on it. For example:

Less or more - “I’ve owned … cars in my lifetime.”

The player names a number.

It’s up to the other players to determine whether the player owned less or more cars than he or she said.

  • Every player that gets it right, moves one step closer to the center.
  • Every player that gets it wrong, moves one step away from the center.
  • If most of the other players get it right, the player who’s turn it is moves one step backward.
  • If most of the other players get it wrong, the player who’s turn it is moves one step forward.
  • If it’s a tie, nothing happens for the active player.

The next player is up and picks the next card.

The game ends when one player gets to the center of the board.

Explanation of the four types of cards:

True or False?
Each card features a statement with that is either true or false. For example:

  • “I can speak three languages.”
  • “I’ve completed a novel that no one knows about.”
  • “I have never lost playing monopoly.”

The active player might select “I can speak three languages” and say “this is true. It’s up to the other players to determine if the active player is lying or not.

Less or more?
Each card features a statement with a blank space where a number goes. For example:

  • “I’ve owned … cars in my lifetime.”
  • “I own … books.”
  • “I spend … hours per day on my phone.”

 The active player could say “I own fifty books” and the others have to figure out if the players owns less or more than fifty books.

Like or disklike?
Each card features something you either like or dislike. For example:

  • “Walnuts”
  • “Celene Dion”
  • “Aspereges”

The active player could say “I like Celine Dion” and the others have to figure out if this is true or not.

Each card features a challenge. For example: 

  • “I can do twenty push-ups in a row”
  • “I can hold my breath for one minute”
  • “I can name twenty European Countries”

 The active player might select “I can hold my breath for a minute” and the other players have to decide whether this is true or not. After they have made their choice, it’s up to the active player to tackle the challenge and all will find out what’s true or not. 

StatusIn development
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


read my mind game board.pdf 201 kB


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This is a great idea for a board game, would love this to play on a games night with my friends, if you do the decks of cards (or maybe an app?) please update! :)